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服務(wù)熱線(xiàn):0510-8595 2913
朗盼環(huán)境 | 法國、波蘭兩國企業(yè)客人前來(lái)參觀(guān)考察
Recently, LongHope Environmental met two groups of clients form France and Poland. We held the details discussion and invited clients to visit the machine operation site. Cllients have been so impressed on evaporations of LongHope Environmental.
兩國企業(yè)客人在參觀(guān)過(guò)程中詳細了解了朗盼環(huán)境的企業(yè)歷程、規?,F狀、發(fā)展戰略,以及企業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈的基本情況,現場(chǎng)了解了我司自主研發(fā)的低溫熱泵真空蒸發(fā)器和結晶器產(chǎn)品,并就后期進(jìn)一步開(kāi)展互利共贏(yíng)的合作事宜召開(kāi)了座談交流會(huì )。
The two groups of guests knew the history, the current situation, the development strategy, the industry chain. And they learned about the self-produced Low-Temp vacuum heat pump evaporators & crystallizers, attended the discussion meeting for further development.
LongHope Environmental is one of the Wuxi High-Tech enterprises, committed to the development and production of Low-Temp vacuum heat pump evaporators & crystallizers that have obtained more than 40 national patents. We have received many clients all around the world, such as France, Canada, Poland, South Africa etc. Many Clients have placed orders.
In the future, LongHope Environmental will continue to be internationalization, strengthen overseas brand publicity, in order to attract more customers. While showing "Made in China", we will learn more about international industry trends and advanced technologies to develop high-quality products and services.
Copyright ? 2021 無(wú)錫朗盼環(huán)境科技有限公司 All Rights Reserved.
地址:無(wú)錫市濱湖區南湖路128號 聯(lián)系電話(huà):0510-85952913 聯(lián)系人:鮑總 手機:18661020368